Wednesday 3 January 2018

Kural Number: 0519 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 2 - பொருட்பால்; இயல்: 05 - அரசியல்; அதிகாரம்: 052 - தெரிந்து வினையாடல்குறள் எண்: 0519}
{Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 05 - Politics; Chapter: 052 - Employing by Knowing; Kural Number: 0519}

வினைக்கண் வினையுடையான் கேண்மை வேறாக
நினைப்பானை நீங்கும் திரு

Wealth leaves those who misinterpret the
friendship of a workaholic man

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The “wealth called fame” will leave those who wrongly interpret the friendship of someone, who has unchanged initiative with the given task.
The “diligence called happiness” will disappear from those who disgracefully criticise the calibre of someone, who has unalloyed love with the connected relationship.

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